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3 blackjack in a row, that's pretty lucky ^^

This is just Dungeons and Degenerate Gamblers in Balatro



Some big changes to the game, you should give it a try :)

i will.


I Played the game live on YouTube in case you would like to see:

I couldn't understand, but thanks a lot for playing and sharing :)

hahaha, use CC and auto-translation it woks fine. i had lots of fun.


yippee :3

Congrats! What build did you go for?

Round 8/15 game completely froze and when I refreshed I lost my run's progress :(


There was a known bug with the King of the Hill that was causing a hard lock which has been fixed. However there's still a bug with the number pop ups that I can't replicate and fix that in some rare occasion hard locks the game...
I'm currently working on the save system and will implement it with the next content update, but for now no progress is saved


Should all be fixed now :)

Really fun! Haven't been able to win a deck yet due to the fact once I get to rounds 5+ the game slows down massively to the point it's basically unplayable.


Thanks for playing! This bug has been fixed with the latest build, will soon upload it :)


Fixed, you can try again. I've only seen 1 player being able to complete all 15 enemies, so good luck ;)

I think you can, on win, let all the litle animation that indicates the ship stolen etc happen before printing 'win'

Litlle bug in a blackjack, Only the last card is accounted, not every cards, is it intended ?

what do you mean? Only happened once or on all blackack? All cards in hand should trigger one by one on a blackjack, unless:
1) its a hearts and you are already full health

2) Its a club and the enemy has no chip to steal

I would recommend :

  • Changing the flare when winning / lmosing a hand, to bit a burst of particles + more flashy / vibrant flare.
  • Give stronger sounds as they are low compared to 'normal', I can't jump between your game and something lese without breaking my ears.
  • Add Fast Screen Transitions.
  • Add Global sound, and a chill music in lobby / shop. Make it transit when going in game.
  • Better particles when oppening a pack.
  • Softer particles when buying just a card. 

I noticed the game starting to bug the deeper I go into the game, maybe because of shaders or too much images loaded in the web version.

Thanks a lot for the feedback, very usefull! Indeed many improvements need to be made to juice the game up, I haven't put too much effort on this yet, but the closer I get to the release the more I will focus on it.

The current version does bug and makes the game slower after a while, no idea why. But this doesn't occur in the most recent version of the game, so once I have finalized the next content update, I will upload a more stable version :)

Tell me once the next version is available so I can't test it. You have the profiler if needed to look to what is the performance issu

The game is pretty fun ! Add more juice to it and continue on it, it's super cool, really !


Thanks for the feedback! Curious to hear what you like/don't like the most :)
And yes, I'm working on some cool new features at the moment that will make the game even more fun, but these take time!


Was this at all also inspired by dungeons and degenerate gamblers?

Yes, you could think of it as a mix between Balatro & DDG, with some unique twists to it :)

when I beat all the enemy's it just keeps fighting last enem


Indeed, in this demo the game loops once you have defeated all 15 ennemies. I'm quite impressed you managed to beat them all, not a lot of play testers have :)
I'm curious to hear what strategy you used? Also, I'd love to hear what improvements/ideas you would have to make the game better :)

I did that on the version with 11 enemy's all so can u fix bug where your cards dissaper and u cant do any thing this happens to me twice on the shark

it happens on the hustler aswell

This should be fixed, please let me know :)

The game softlocks here.

This has been fixed with the last update, which also adds a lot of new things:
- Player / Enemy deck view when hovering the deck
- New special cards inside the starting decks : Gold Card and Wild Card

The dealer has 0 health always I think?


It should start with 15 health, which means you can pretty much one shot it at the moment. But I'll update a new version soon with higher HP and a proper WIN/LOSE screen :)

Lot of new things added, you should check it out :)

Nice progress! :)  Looking forward to being able to unlock the other starting decks

Working on a big update that will include:

- Shop: Can purchase new cards and cards upgrades between each enemy encounter

- Card Upgrades: cards can now be upgraded to have special features, such as granting extra gold, damage, shield, etc, and even a transparent card upgrade that allows you to see the card face up even when its face down :)

Will be released soon, just have to do some polish!